Politicians are throwing up even more restrictive red tape for political gain around abortion access and women’s health in Missouri.

So far, Missouri has spent more than $73,000 to make it harder for women to access health care after Gov. Eric Greitens called for an abortion-focused special session in June.

This special session will reconvene on Monday, July 24 as the Missouri Senate is set to vote on Senate Bill 5, an extreme measure that will continue to make more restrictions on a woman’s body and her constitutional right to choose to have an abortion.

Tell your senators to vote NO on Senate Bill 5.

What does Senate Bill 5 do?

  • This bill attacks women and potentially prevents their ability to get health care. It requires the same doctor who administers an abortion to be the doctor who provides information 72 hours in advance. We’re asking doctors to do more paperwork than medical work.
  • This subverts the power of locally elected prosecutors by giving the Missouri Attorney General more power to prosecute doctors and facilities that provide abortions.
  • Requires pathologists to conduct medically unnecessary tests on fetal tissue. 
  • Imposes the views of Jefferson City politicians across the state by preempting
  • local control of health care policies.

Visit www.senate.mo.gov to read the latest version of SB5.